UCLA Anderson Forecast Asserts Expansion Won’t Last Through Bush’s Second Term
"Tepid at Best" Growth for California Forecasted Through 2006"
March 15, 2005
UCLA Anderson Forecast
LOS ANGELES – In its first quarterly report of 2005, the UCLA Anderson
Forecast asserts that the current expansion in the national economy is nearer
its end than its beginning. While the report, released today, stops short of
predicting a recession—at least exactly when the next recession will hit—it does
outline a scenario that points towards a slowing of the economy and an eventual
downturn. In California, slow growth is expected over the next few years, as a
weak housing market offsets some of the strengths in other parts of the economy.
The National Forecast
In his report, UCLA Anderson Forecast Director Edward Leamer sheds light on the
current economic expansion via an historical prism. Leamer points out that
historically; economic expansions have not lasted very long, with five of the
last nine lasting only 14 quarters or less. The current expansion is 12 quarters
old right now and Leamer sees no growth spurt on the horizon that will extend it
much further.
In a detailed discussion, Leamer reveals that the three longest expansions in history
all experienced growth spurts during which the rate of growth of GDP was abnormally
high and the rate of unemployment was driven down. Each expansion is different, with
different stimuli bringing about the growth spurt. But Leamer sees no clear stimuli
on the horizon in 2005, ruling out both tax cuts (which have already occurred) and
monetary stimulus (which has also occurred through low interest rates). An increase
in government spending is doubtful (unless it is wartime spending), leaving only
exports as a possible ray of hope. Exports were a major factor in the length of the
Reagan expansion, and the declining dollar vs. the Euro should stimulate this sector.
Leamer concludes with the assertion that a recession is in the future; he just doesn’t
know when yet. He doesn’t see it in 2005, but believes it could happen in 2006.
The California Forecast
In California, UCLA Anderson senior economist Christopher Thornberg says that at best
the state economy can be expected to maintain slow growth over the next few years as
the weak housing sector saps off strength created in other parts of the state’s
recovering economy. There are some good economic indicators in California, however.
The falling dollar has helped keep more entertainment production in state instead of
moving overseas or to other parts of the country. It has also bolstered manufacturing
and tourism. The high-tech industry is in turnaround, with greater employment in
this sector just around the corner. Finally, the public sector may be seeing a light
at the end of the tunnel, with jobs returning in this area as well.
The UCLA Anderson Forecast, one of the most widely watched and often-cited economic
outlooks for California and the nation, is no stranger to accurate forecasts.
The forecasting team is credited as the first major U.S. economic forecasting group
to declare the recession of 2001. The team was also unique in predicting both the
seriousness of the early-1990s downturn in California, and the strength of the state’s
rebound since 1993.
About UCLA Anderson Forecast
Founded in 1952, the UCLA Anderson Forecast is one of the most widely watched and
often-cited economic outlooks for California and the nation. Award-winning for its
accuracy, the UCLA Anderson Forecast often breaks with consensus in its quarterly
forecast reports, which feature projections for major economic indicators, including
inflation, interest rates, job growth and gross domestic product growth.
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UCLA Anderson School of Management is perennially ranked among the top-tier business
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Established in 1935, UCLA Anderson School of Management provides management education
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