Overview |
The day after the election is over, politicians and their economist advisors will turn their attention to job creation, the debt, deficit, fiscal cliff, and budget. This is a not just a U.S. issue. How these problems are solved in Washington and in Brussels matters. Economic imbalances are important as economies have self correcting mechanisms which force balance when voters and governments are reticent to do so. In this conference we tackle the nature of the U.S. fiscal cliff, global debt and persistent deficits at home and abroad to gain insight into the trajectory of the U.S. and CA economies.
Join us as we release our next quarterly forecast for 2012.
Tentative Agenda |
7:30am-8:30am |
Registration |
8:30-8:35am |
Welcome and Introductions |
8:35-9:35am |
National and State Outlook |
- Is the global economy facing a sovereign debt crisis? If yes, why are interest rates so low in so many places?
- Can the U.S. Continue on its current deficit trajectory?
- Is California America's Greece? Or is the real debt crisis in California at the local level?
- What will the impact be on economic growth?
- Is there a difference between Uncle Sam and Uncle Dimitrios?
- Who might force some belt-tightening on Uncle Sam, if voters don’t? Do you see Mr. Bond behind that dark cloud?
- When will Americans learn that a year from now we will all be a year older?
- How much should we be saving to prepare for our retirements? Are we saving enough?
- Are you willing to give up some Medicare benefits to reduce the future tax rates on your grandchildren and great-grandchildren? Should taxpayers be funding Viagra for the elderly?
- Why don’t we have an AAYP? (Young People)
- Should we just pray harder for higher growth rates, or should we start preparing for a sustained period of lower growth, lower real interest rates and weaker stock returns?
- How can municipalities cope with their retirement obligations?
9:35-9:10am |
Keynote Address |
10:00-10:15am |
Break |
10:15-11:30am |
Executive Discussion Panel - How do we finance local government in an era of deficits? |
11:45am |
Q+A and Wrap-Up |
Purchase Forecast Book: $350 |
Important: Registration closes 11:59pm, 12/3/2012
Keynote Speaker:
Edward Leamer, Director, UCLA Anderson Forecast |
David Shulman, Senior Economist, UCLA Anderson Forecast |
Jerry Nickelsburg, Senior Economist, UCLA Anderson Forecast |
William Yu, Economist, UCLA Anderson Forecast |
Greg Devereaux, CEO, San Berardino County |
Eric Hoffmann, Senior Vice President and Manager of the California Local Government Ratings Team, Moody's Investors Service |
Miguel Santata, CAO, City of Los Angeles |
Sean C. Kraus, Vice President, Credit Suisse Private Bank USA, Los Angeles |
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